A Blessing From God!
Simba is my right hand man, a blessing from God and my all round everything support including dog whisperer, muscle power and provider of deep wells of wisdom.
He has a unique and varied skill set including animal training, integrating and handling, making delicious food both for myself and the animals and making things and fixing things.
Extremely athletic and fit, Simba can easily and comfortably handle the mountain walks which I struggle with as exercise and the great outdoors is not my strong suit!
Simba does everything with a full and cheerful heart, he's always willing to learn and is blessed with an all round ability to do anything and everything that is required.
Remote Living
Living in the mountain, we have to be completely self-sufficient and have to learn to do all aspects of general and household maintenance, from building to fixing to plumbing.
This has been incredibly challenging but we have been blessed with the ability to do anything and we have reached heights we never thought possible.
We do almost everything ourselves and have also been blessed with an excellent support system of on-site knowledge covering all aspects of day-to-day work, including the necessary tools.
Simba's full name - Simbarashe, means The Power of God, and he absolutely walks in that power to the fullest.
24/7 Availability
Having so many lives in our hands, we have to be available 24/7 and we do everything in our power to ensure that we are always ready when needed.
No matter what I ask, whether Simba is on duty or not, regardless of what time or day it is, Simba is a soldier who is already ready, willing and able to serve.
Always growing, always patient, always there for me in any and all capacities, Simba is a gentle and calming, strong yet unassuming presence, who totally gets me and is with me for the long haul.
All of the dogs adore him, everyone who knows him admires him and he is well respected within the community.
Pastoral Care, Faith & Love
Simba is also a Pastor and a man who walks his talk, always on hand to provide words of encouragement, wisdom and knowledge.
We pray together regularly, sometimes multiple times a day, and take it in turns to have bible studies on a Sunday, where the dogs always join us on the couch.
On Sundays, we do minimal duties such as walking, feeding and medical care, and we dedicate this day to the LORD, whilst continuing to provide the necessary care.
Simba is also my re-homing partner and is a stable presence who nourishes and nurtures all of us enormously and we literally could not live without him.
Powered By God
Amanda's Ark is literally, physically and spiritually powered by God.
Simba's very name is a testament to that and we are blessed beyond belief.
May God continue to bless each and every one of us onboard Amanda's Ark and may we continue to operate in the anointing that we carry.
May we be a blessing to each and every Soul who passes through our hands and may we always remember and praise the hand of God who holds us in His palm.