23 Apr

You Cannot Own A Living Soul

Trusted Guardians comes in many forms - those who rescue from harrowing conditions, those who's care animals are in until a safe space is found and the loving souls who offer their homes and hearts.

The animals in my care trust, depend and rely on me, I am their provider and protector, I make decisions on their behalf and they love me enormously.

I use the term Trusted Guardian because it is not possible to own a living Soul. We are responsible for everything that happens to every creature in our care, a position of trust that must not be betrayed.

The Responsibility of a Trusted Guardian

The role of Trusted Guardian is not an easy task, it comes with a huge amount of responsibility, dedication and commitment, despite the fact that most people don't see it that way.

Far too many people take this responsibility lightly and fail in the obligation that goes with the privilege of caring for a living Soul, one without a voice or a choice, who's fate lies in our hands.

If we take up this mantle, we must commit to each and every Soul for the duration of their life, to be there in any and all circumstances, as a Guardian Angel.

A Position of Trust

The role of a Trusted Guardian is exactly that - we are in a position of trust to care for the animal in our care, in all situations, no matter the challenge, regardless the level of difficulty or expense.

Whether there's no room at the inn, you can't find a home for them, (mostly because people don't know how), you are moving house, emigrating, expensive medical bills, behavioural challenges, and all sorts of reasons that are irrelevant, the animal in your care is your responsibility.

There are certain expectations that go with being a Trusted Guardian and they must be taken seriously and not shirked by excuses, untruthful justifications or anything that prevents righteous action.

The Dark Side of Rescue

Sadly, there is a dark side of rescue, and it rears its ugly head far too often. Even the enemy disguises himself as an angel of light, so we must come to expect it and discern.

Those who say they are rescuers but destroy instead of create, those who like the power of having a life in their hands and those who proclaim to love animals but hate people, all are guilty of irreversible damage.

Too many people believe that animals and people are disposable inanimate objects, that they can do away with as they please, with no consequences, but this is not the case at all, and the suffering is all-pervasive.

Discernment Is Needed

All too often, animals are handed over to "rescuers" who say they are well-meaning, but who in actual fact, are seriously lacking in skill, compassion and empathy.

I won't mention names but many so-called rescuers are nothing more than population control, yet to the public, they present as something very different.

As Trusted Guardians, it is our responsibility to ensure the life, happiness and wellbeing of everyone in our care, and to make sure that plans to take of them are in place should we no longer be able to.

Creation is Groaning

As mankind learns to be kind, the whole creation is groaning as in the pains of childbirth, awaiting liberation from the slavery, subterfuge and suffering that it's subjected to. (Romans 8:22).

Broken people, creating broken people, systems and animals, it's only a matter of time before God's wrath tears everything and everyone down, humbling us to our knees, leading us home.

How I long for that day, how we all inwardly long for that time, when we can return to the state of perfection, from where we came.

The Road Less Travelled

Most of the animals I rescue have been through a lot and every animal deserves a life of peace, comfort, safety and happiness, as we all do, and nothing less than the best will do.

I'm looking for the needles in the haystack who love their animals as their own children, who will go to the moon and back for them, and who will do whatever it takes to provide for them.

Many people think that it's not possible to find a perfect home and perfect outcomes, but with faith and right action, all things are possible and I've proven that to be true hundreds of times.

A Shelter From The Storm

As Trusted Guardians, it is our responsibility to provide a shelter from the storm, a safe haven and a hedge of protection, in all weathers.

We are in a position of extreme privilege and honour and we must hold the light in every way possible, to secure the path for those in our charge.

The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel (Proverbs 12:10). We must enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter (Matthew 7:13-14)

Health & Vitality

Most people, big Pharma and even vets take quick, cheap and easy options, for a variety of reasons including lack of financial resources, time and education.

Toxic parasite control, overly vaccinating and lifeless pet food, all of these carry a hefty price tag and lead to cancer, chronic diseases and even death, all in the name of prevention, yet we are sold a lie.

It is not enough to mean well only to fail our animals, real prevention consists of gathering and applying the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of natural health and vitality to keep disease away.

A Lifetime Guarantee

I offer every animal I rescue a lifetime guarantee, to be there for them in any and all circumstances, for the rest of their life, for the rest of my life.

When things get tough, it's important to have a powerful support system around you, otherwise it's easy to make rash and wrong decisions that we later come to regret.

When I re-home an animal, my ultimate wish is to have a relationship with the Trusted Guardian who I know in my heart to be right, as an extra support, so that neither they, nor the animal, are ever alone.

The Wisdom of Nature

There is so much wisdom to be found in nature, to those who are willing to learn, and contrary to popular belief, natural ways are much cheaper than quick fixes that cause lasting damage.

From natural food, to natural parasite protocols, to natural healthcare, it's fascinating to learn from those who have made this knowledge and understanding their life's work.

It is my heartfelt wish to share everything I know, that I have learned over years of researching the very best people in the business, and applying those techniques to maximum effect.

Expect Miracles

I've been rescuing, supporting and re-homing animals for a long time and every time I have walked in faith, God has gone before me and walked beside me. 

Through dogged determination, relentless hard work and a total faith in what's possible, I give myself over to the unknown and leave everything in His hands, who works everything for our good.

I have received countless miracles in situations that many have deemed impossible and am continuously blown away by the abundance of money, opportunities and perfect homes that come our way.

Walking & Growing in Faith

Since I've been walking and growing in faith, my blessings, both for myself, those around me and all the animals in my care, have multiplied ten fold.

I earn no money, all my time, energy and resources go towards providing for the animals, yet God cares for me in the most exquisite way, and the more I give the more I receive.

There is no limit to God's grace, no matter what is that you need, no matter the cost, no matter how big your dream, the principle is very simple, if you are wiling, God is willing.

Growing Ever Deeper In Love

I love being a Trusted Guardian to so many in my care, even though it's the hardest role I've ever undertaken and the most responsibility I've ever had to bear.

May those who wield great authority and power use it wisely, may they learn to walk and grow in faith and may everyone in this privileged position involve their whole heart and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

May we all step ever deeper into our role as Trusted Guardians, may we come to truly understand the responsibility that is upon us and may we nurture and nourish it with a love that moves mountains.

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